
Multi integrated tourism in Lebanon

Provide simple Lebanon in general 

Republic of Lebanon is an Arab country in the Middle East, located in the southwest of the Asian continent. Bordered by Syria to the north and east, and the occupied Palestinian territories of the south, and from the west side overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Lebanon's history has a long tradition more than 7,000 years of existence and interaction with civilizations. Is a democratic country, Republican ToaĆŗfa rich multiplicity of cultures and the diversity of civilizations. Most of the population of Arabs, Muslims and Christians. Unlike the rest of the Arab countries, there is the presence of an active Christians in public and political life. Hagar and his sons spread around the world since the days of the Phoenicians, and currently the number of Lebanese immigrants twice the estimated number of Lebanese residents. Lebanon faced since ancient multiplicity of civilizations that have passed or occupied territory so as to position the middle between North European and Arab south and east Asian and West African, and this moderation reason for the diversity and uniqueness with its surroundings and at the same time a cause of wars and conflicts throughout the ages manifested civil wars and conflict destiny with Israel. And like most of the mountains of the Levant, the nature of the land mountainous reluctance was a haven for the oppressed in the region since ancient times, and at the same time painted the beauty of nature and its climate, which attracts tourists from the country surrounding it, which revived the economy even in the darkest crises, Vaguetsadeh depends on tourism services and banking, which together make up more than 65% of the total GDP and ..... as for geography Most Lebanese territory except mountainous coastline and the Bekaa Valley. And penetrate into Lebanon from north to south mountain chains are a mountain range of Lebanon's eastern and which form its eastern borders with Syria and Lebanon Mountains Bank, which overlooks the Mediterranean Sea and the most important of Mount CMOS as the peak Qurna black is the highest mountain peak in western Asia and separates between two mountain chains Bekaa Valley. And spread in Lebanon rivers that accumulate from the melting snow and the most famous of the Litani River and the Orontes River and either the climate is Mediterranean and mild winter, the coast shall be cold and rainy, and in the summer will be hot and humid, and either in the mountains, winters are cool and heat up to below zero with loss snow, while in the summer the heat moderate, without moisture .......... and Lebanon also famous for rice symbol of the country's forests, which were huge in ancient times, but the quantity decreased due to the use of the stage throughout the ages and lack of interest in re-cultivation in addition to injury diseases. 


As for tourism in Lebanon are also reminded of the most important economic factors. Vemoqah on the Mediterranean coast and the mountains that separates the inside from the desert regions which Thoth and its effects Phoenician and Romania Mjmath ancient and modern business is one of the most important factors to attract people of the Middle East 
And Europe ...... 
In the winter, where abound lanes ski natural and retain the region Butlugea about five months in the mountains are considered Faria and area rice and Laklouk and Kafr Zeban and channel Bakic and Hawthorn from the main centers of sports ski Lebanon is one of the few centers in the Middle East fitted for skiing. The ski season starts in December. Believes the major resorts to its customers hotel accommodation and chalets in addition to the winter many facilities include ski, 
In the summer and is full of the most beautiful mountain area Mraba spas and centers that famous summer annually attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists, especially Arabs. Lebanon has many festivals and celebrations and other events entertainment and fun .... All of this serves tourism infrastructure is full of everything that meets the desires and tastes of tourists and vacationers, and north to south crowded areas Lebanese sites, beautiful natural and historical monuments old and all sorts of attractions with tourist services ancient and sophisticated . There is also a plush hotels, resorts, restaurants and casinos in the coasts and ...., theaters, cinemas and the most important festivals celebrated by Alambdaiein Lebanese and international structures Kmehrjanat Baalbek and Byblos Castle and Palace Beiteddine Festival and Festival Photos in Roman archeology with support services .... sophisticated addition to the availability of the latest medical and sports facilities, cultural and shopping centers.

The following is an explanation of the most important tourist attractions in Lebanon: 
Archaeological sites: 
Beaufort Castle
Located in Lebanon and is located approximately 1 km from the Arnon and considered Beaufort Castle, which is located in the town of Arnon south Lebanon of the most important archaeological and historical castles in Lebanon, but in the whole Arab world, due to its strategic location featured. It sits on top of a mountain towering steep, As it oversees all of Syria, Palestine and Lebanon .. and construction dates back to before the Middle Ages. The first of its founder is not known, but it is almost certain that the Romans were the first to put her BbnaĆŗhm basically a small fortress on the hill upon which the castle. There are sources suggest that the Crusaders may be built to form the bulwark of their armies. There is no doubt that the hands of the conquerors and invaders have manipulated this castle between demolition and destruction and add, depending on the plans of the military and their taste Urban, was re-dilapidated, including visits from the Crusaders and other Muslims, and sometimes from the feudal rulers of the princes of Syria, Lebanon and Mount Aaml.kma it did not surrender from the hands of the Israelis who messed with them until they returned exhausted this time, topped with rubble, which missed most of the features and mixed decks Lower Olaya and tumbled network tunnels even seemed dismembered stolen monuments, but it nevertheless remains stones remaining delivered from theft instill itself in the arteries of the land and adheres to its roots and the castle was named in French le chateau de beaufort due to the advantage of his immunity and hardness, it also has several foreign names carry meanings fantastic, including "Eagle Eye" and "Ein Ghazal." It was known in Arabic Balhqiv due to the towering height that is almost touching the sky. 

Castle Chehabism
Castle meteor, meteor or Saraya, is the ancient castle in the heart of Hasbaya, the capital of the valley and Tim either about its history, there is no evidence about who built the castle. Its history is well known starts with the Crusaders, but it may be due to the time beyond to be a fortress built by the Arabs or the building of the Romans and may have seen the castle over the years a lot of victories and setbacks, where she was several times to fire, which in the year 1284, when it entered the Mongol armies to Syria and Palestine for by Tim Valley, and in 1612 following a dispute between Ahmed Pasha and Prince Amir Ali Shihabi Hasbayya and either landmarks ranges high outer walls of Saraya between 15 and 20 meters and its surroundings, about 220 meters. Monument at the entrance two lions facing each other with chains and handcuffed in front of them Ernban Tliqan in reference to social justice. As the lion strong handcuffed and weak rabbit free and loose. The entrance is a contract crusader with a height of 32 meters, which is the highest contract in the middle east, and rises above the entrance plate reading "than the work of drawing sir and Prince Moulay Ali Shihabi in the year 1009 AH." The castle consists of four sections, three above ground and below the section. At home, residential rooms and cellars. The bottom layer was used for the underground storage of supplies and ammunition. In order to reach the upper floor the second you pass a narrow staircase reveals inscriptions and decorations and colors and plate emblazoned with verses of poetry glorifying Balshihabaan and honor them in the reception room inside a piece of yellow marble of the structure of a miniature man. The third layer of the establishment of the princes Alshihabien, so abound where windows and barrages Arab-Islamic-style. And before the Court decorations crusade flowers represent a slogan tinfoil, the royal family in France ....... 

Castle Rashayya

Castle Rashayya is one of the most important castles Lebanese and has known the name of the castle independence and built by the Crusaders in the century atheist ten in the town of Rashaya in western Bekaa of Lebanon and to protect convoys of merchants coming from Palestine towards the Levant and protect the processions of pilgrims and travelers across the valley Tim from Damascus to Jerusalem in Palestine and stands Castle Rashayya around the tower, which rises Crusader about 1,400 m above sea level and extends over an area of ​​8000 square meters in a strategic location surrounded by cliffs on three sides and facing the fourth summit of Hermon. The entrance to the castle is from the south and resembles walls thick and Aaqbitha and corridors multiple Beaufort Crusader and Baknatrha identical with barrages of Beiteddine Palace building and Roman ruins, including the corridors distance of 1500 m up to the appointed Marie near the triangle Aqaba - Bakkifa, and was used for the movement of fighters and securing supply in case of siege It features buildings and triggering a crusade and carved rock wells have been filled in the day with the exception of one well is still valid for use. The cellars of the castle where the lower hall of archaeological and store the north-east, and the tower of the South West, which is the highest peak in the castle. 
And where the buildings and the effects of Shehabiye back to the year 1370 when he became Prince of Abu Bakr Shehab mandate of Hasbaya and he comes with his wife and daughter to Rashayya for fishing and hunting, he built a house inside the castle. Chehabs also built the castle entrance and the fence and barrages of southwestern flank either eastern wall was built by the French after their entry into the castle users stones surrounding houses after Tahedimha. The names of homeowners still exist at the entrance to the northern section of the castle as well as the landmarks of the Church within the castle grounds and the castle has witnessed many of the events, including the famous battle in the November 22, 1925 ............ 

Castle Tripoli

Castle is located in the city of Tripoli Tripoli knew the name of this fortress castle "San generation" or "Snagal" relative to the Count Crusader Raymond de Saint-Gilles, and famous Bmqaaasha huge menu at the top of a hill overlooking all over the city and overlooking the River Kadisha. The castle is one of a series of forts and towers were in ancient times surrounding the dome and the town and the harbor and back construction to the early twelfth century during the siege of the city, where built by the Crusaders, and they made the center of their campaigns the military .... and characterized castle stones, sand smooth-like stones more cities in the Mediterranean Coast , from Gaza to Alexandria ... and either signs inscribed on the stones are the signs of the characteristics of a crusade and either split the castle Aqlah are rectangular and polygonal, with a length of the northern entrance to the southern tip maximum 136 meters and a width of Mediterranean up to 70 meters. The Astgamatha Vksman: internal and external. The outer moat of the author and a series of towers and block. The trench carved in the rock at the western tip, which is above the ground at the other end, and extends from the face of the tower twenty-fourth to face the fourth tower, so Vijaoz seventy meters in length, and width at a rate of five meters. The depth ranges from two meters and three meters. 
Series consists of blocking towers and twenty-five towers and an eyebrow. If we went out of the door of the castle and the Great tried to N'Dour about this series, we see to our right and our left towers Jaddedhma Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in 1521, and the two do not go beyond the five-meter rise. We can see at the top of the two towers of four slots and a multitude of Almzagl Almkahal and balconies and some warships. And also we can see the parties some of the columns of old that used to connect the walls of the two towers and Tqoathma, which columns protruding and arranged geometrically is set, seven in the first tower and six in the second and if we completed the siRNA to the left towards the fortifications of Foreign Bank and the South, we find a vehicle of seven towers and four block, We find in all of the top ten slots for guns and about 10 Mzagl also. The thickness of these towers and blocking ranges between six and seven meters. 
Of the castle, with the exception of the big door in the first tower, two small doors are nearly Ikunan Khvaan: one at the bottom of the second tower and the other ten at the base of the tower and the second century. It is said that there is a secret basements and cellars fortified lead one from inside to outside the castle. 
The number of slots in this castle defender exceed twenty, and the number of Mzaglha and Mkahlha exceed seventy. It is noteworthy Fuad Effendi taste that he had found the year 1910 more than 400 cannon of the copper was sent to Germany for the cast again reach the high walls of this castle between 5 meters and 19 meters, and the method of construction increases immunity because the stones large court-made, stacked on each other, and all the walls are saturated with mortar . If we add to this all Vsanha and the rooms multiple, realize something of their resistance and persistence in the course of the siege has been found where a large tank in the tower seventh and two more in the vicinity of the great tower, in addition to the lifts were used to raise the share of the castle from the water of the river that passes by her side and from the inscriptions which they were found two lines in Arabic above the entrance to the place next to the tower XIII. 

Fort Anjar

Fort Angertbad 58 Iklan Beirut which Qsrsifa bunker built Alhalifaalamue Walid bin Abdul Malik on the old road, which was up Bekaa Valley Bgoth Damascus and located his Anjar close to the site of old fort was called (on) has not been able Studies and Altgosaiat archaeological locate the old fort, however, that the name (on) remained alive to this day through the eye Almealta was Roaha which gave the current city name appointed on or Anjar and little scheme Fort Anjar schemes camps Roman Byzantine is almost square surrounded by a fence supported by towers half Dirah and broken Streetan perpendicular to four sections infested residue palaces, shops and swimming pools and a mosque
Palace Moses
Moses is the Palace Museum Lebanese distinctive in terms of its content and story building was built by a single person, where his name Moses architect and the palace is located in the cities of Beiteddine and Deir al-Qamar in the Shouf. A room with stories of people of Lebanese from the nineteenth century and early twentieth century, and you see when you log in the history of Lebanon is moving around you through the life of the Lebanese statues over hundreds of years. 
Hermel Pyramid
Hermel pyramid is an archeological site Lebanese. Is located about ten kilometers south of the city of Hermel. It is a pyramid rises 27 meters. Monument on the top of a hill in the region which can be seen for miles away from each hand. There are sculptures all aspects of fishing on three of the four flanks, which indicates that it is a monument to a cemetery for the kings of the region and is believed to be the second-century pre-Christmas.

Anjar archaeological site

Anjar or monsters Moses is a Lebanese town Aladedmn containing relics located in the province of eastern Lebanon's Bekaa. The town extends over an area of ​​20 km 2 and is the capital Beirut, about 58 kilometers and a population of 2400 people, the vast majority of Armenians. In the summer season to visit the town where the Armenians of the Diaspora population is getting almost one-third 
And the name of the town due to the current euphemism "Eye dragged" which was launched on land adjacent to the castle "dragged". The Umayyad Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik has built this castle in the eighth century AD. Although Hjeranha in a subsequent period, the remains of the castle is still considered a wonderful sight even declared Organization UNESCO World Heritage site in 1984 and in 1939 came to the area adjacent to the remains of the castle 5000 Armenian refugees from Turkey, where they set up a modern town. The names of lanes of the town refers to the names of villages that have been displaced by the population and either the date of its establishment was erected in the vicinity of one of the most important sources or the eyes of the Litani River in a great location on a map of the roads that were make their spots in the ancient times and intermediate to form a master node converge then roads areas that were hit northern Syria and northern Palestine that was up the coast Bgoth Damascus. Has contributed to the prosperity of the eye explode at the foothills of the mountains of eastern Lebanon, an eye which gave the city its current name is the Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik (705-715m) creates the fortified city of Anjar, about one kilometer to the south-west of Nbaha known as the "eye on" . To implement the project, the caliph hired a number of engineers, artisans and craftsmen Byzantines, Syrians, those who know the traditions of architecture and decoration inherited from the days of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The extracted these stones needed for the project from a number of quarries nearby, Kmqala town Opaque almonds, also transferred numbers of structural elements other Kalomayh and bases and capitals and Totaibadtha, remnants of buildings Romanian and Byzantine they find in the neighborhood and in the year 744, destroyed by the Caliph Marwan II the impact on the NFL dispute Ibrahim ibn al-Walid in the battle raged nearby. And soon the town that took the crumbling even turned in the fourteenth century to the mounds of ruins and dust amid vast tracts of swamp and remained that way until 1943, when it began Directorate General of Antiquities Lebanese work explored and although the archaeological excavations and restoration work 
The site still retains some of its secrets and is considered a model of what it used to be the big commercial stations talking about history and Anjar receives daily visitors. And is located close to the effects of Anjar group of restaurants that offer fresh trout along with a full assortment of Lebanese dishes and Armenian. Some restaurants have been established over the trout pools directly. There are no hotels in Anjar but can reside in Chtaura 15 km.

The End
Some Pictures 


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