
The Beautiful country Scotland

When descend in a  international airport  (Edinburgh or Glasgow) find the slogan The best small country in
 the world in the sense (the best small country in the world) 
And be surprised when you learn that Scotland is the largest country in the world, if measured by the number of population space
The number of population which is estimated at 5.1 million people, is very small compared to the surface area of ​​78 772 square kilometers 
Its geographical location: 
Located north of the island the British, which is part of the United Kingdom 
It is bordered to the south of England and the east and north of the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean to the 

Scottish history: 
Between 70,000 BC to 18,000 BC was the last period of so-called glacial era and peaked at 18,000 years BC 
Then turn initiated the atmosphere of the planet to warm 
At 10,000 years BC was ice-free Scotland 
Then start the growth of trees and forests and the onset of animals such as bear, wolves, wild boars 
The arrival of the first human to Scotland was through hunters traveling through the Land bridge, a land bridge that connected Britain, France, when Britain was adjacent to the European continent or by boat from Germany 
British island separated from the rest of Europe at 8500 years BC
Between the years 1200 BC to 200 BC began to civilian life thrive in Scotland and began what is known as the people of Celtic and this name was on them by the Romans and Greeks during their war with them. 
Celtic group of people moved to different places and cultures and speak multiple languages ​​and approximately one and share tools and craft of Fine Arts and their ideas and beliefs of one. 
Most of them work in agriculture and live in huts 
Empire ruled Romania Scotland in 81 AD after being seized control of England in 43 AD 
Keep this rule with the presence of resistance from the tribes in Scotland until the end of the year 410 AD Full Britain 
For the information, the title of Scots currently is a mean person Scot Scottish and Scottish sometimes said, but this title is strange that a Scot called on the people of Scotland by the Romans, which means thieves or pirates in ancient Romania 
This title Scotsmen necessary even to this day and has become a land with this name also 
Scot Land Land Ascott 
After leaving the Roman divisions occurred in Scotland 
The northern and western became follows the so-called b Picts, a shortcut for Painted People 
Northwestern part known as the Argyll 
Southwestern part was in close contact with the north-east and the Irish Gaels called and established a kingdom called Dal Riata 
This division has led to the existence of several wars between these statelets 
The southern part of the foundations as well as some small states through the tribes which inhabited this is Petty 
Strathclyde was the so-called most powerful 
Edinburgh was called the Kingdom of trace Gododdin 
In 850 AD the Scotland and Norway to capture the so-called Nordic Viking pirates 
Lasted insurgencies and wars against the occupiers until independence was part of the country and was named the Kingdom of Alba was a collection of mini-states of the South of Scotland 
Between the years 800 to 1300 AD This period is the emergence of what they call the nation where it began during this period, small states to unite under one banner and began to become a special regime. 
State began to run the monarchy 
The sequence of political rule in that period as follows 
1 King 
2 heads of churches and religious leaders 
3 warriors and traders 
4 working-class and poor 
Despite the states unite under the banner of the South King, but he still Scandinavians dominate the north and north-west Scotland. 
Conflict with the British: Scotland was on the non-ES with the British for several reasons, including: 
1 The English families with the strength and influence, and they want to own large parts of the Scottish land 
2 difference on the border between the two countries 
3 The king was Scottish demands allegiance to the English king 
4 Scotland was similar to what will be part of the England and Scots see this in derogation of their status and independence. 
England fought months and is considered a national hero when Aloscottlndeon is William Wallace and the famous (b courageous fighter) fought several wars, starting from the central and southern Scotland even came down to England and occupied part of it 
Government in Scotland: 
England, Scotland involved in power since 1603 AD, and share parliament since 1707 AD 
In May of 1999, the Scottish Parliament has been created for the independent English Parliament for the first time in three centuries, is the seat of parliament in Edinburgh, capital of Scotland 
Scotland belonging to the crown of the British Royal Queen Elizabeth 
Prime Minister Tony Blair 

Currency in circulation in Scotland: the English pound sterling, but with a different format only..

This image of a comparison between the paper of Class 10 pounds (the English on the right and on the North Aloscaltende) 
Often none of the currencies acceptable in England or Scotland 
Timing in Scotland: 
Is the same timing Gernch GMT
Scottish confusion:

Components of confusion 
The upper part: shirt and jacket and tie around the neck 
Bottom: short skirt, long drink, to drink a small dagger, leather bag around the waist

Some forms of fabric used in the dress
Flag of Scotland: Scotland teachers 
The first picture shows two lines painted blue with white X-shaped sign 
The second flag is also shown in the picture in yellow and red image of a lion 
But first is the official flag of the country and the most heavily traded

Map of Scotland titles areas

Note that Glasgow is the main city in the region of Strathclyde 
Edinburgh is the main city in the region of Lothian 
Languages ​​of Scotland 
The original language is Gaelic for Scotland, a language which is spoken by the people who are residents of Celtic Scotland, Ireland and Wales 
Of course now the official language of the country is English while retaining their mother tongue 
Knowing that still some areas in Scotland, such as the northern islands of Western people speak the language of Gaelic 
Religions in Scotland 
Protestant Christianity and make up the vast majority 
Catholic Christianity Romania 
Islam due to the migration of a large number of Pakistan and India
Indian Hindu because of immigration

This picture shows all religions in Scotland 
Right: Hindu, Muslim, Jew, Christian 
Christianity in Scotland 
Christianity was before the people of Scotland and the pagans and worshiped many gods 
Christianity arrived in Scotland first to Petty South Romanians soldiers during the period of their presence in the borders of Scotland in 400 AD 
A period in which Christianity began as a religion in which an official of the empire Romania 
The then leaders of those republics (South Scotland) to enter into Christianity and their people followed them automatically 
Islam in Scotland 
Convey to you this story to Hossam Shaker site of IOL 
You may be surprised visitor to the city, "Glasgow," the British that the Islamic center and mosque not are within about the heart of the city only minutes away on foot, in the industrial capital "of Scotland," the minaret high above the mosque giant combines modern construction harmonized with the ocean and the architectural style of the traditional-inspired mosques in the Indian subcontinent. 
The access to the corridors of Almsadjad- which can accommodate more than two thousand Msal- must raises a lot of questions about the history of Muslims in this city Scots important, presented in 1997, the first vice-Muslim in the British House of Commons. Soon, one discovers that the Islamic presence in Glasgow express very clearly about the presence of Muslims in Britain. 
In the early forties of the twentieth century, and reached this industrial city vanguards of Muslim immigrants from the Indian subcontinent, which were subjected to British colonialism, and initiated the Muslims to organize themselves in an institution bore the name "Association of the Union of Muslims", which was officially established in 1943, was not long before being the opening of a small mosque in Beit No. 27 of Oxford Street in the city. It also opened a small school for the education of Muslim children. 
With the beginning of the new century, the estimates of the number of Muslims in Glasgow exceed twenty thousand people. Although most of the slide unions, many of whom are running limited investment in small shops, while enabling a number of Muslim businessmen from the successes and Adhh.ovi reference to the increasing weight of the Muslims in Glasgow, ascended the candidate recognized for the Labour Party, "Mohammed Sarwar" to Council British House of Commons in the 1997 election; to be the first Muslim to hold parliamentary seats in the history of political life in Britain as a whole.
In The End There Is some pictures of scotland


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